37-39 Punchbowl Road, Belfield

Child Psychology Assessments & Interventions for Schools

Specialised Child Psychology Assessments & Interventions for Schools

Empowering schools and parents with comprehensive psychological services tailored to meet the unique needs of every child

School Psychology Services Sydney
Cognitive Assessments

Gain valuable insights into a child’s cognitive abilities with our comprehensive assessments, including the WISC-V and WAIS-IV. These evaluations provide a detailed understanding of intellectual functioning, helping to identify strengths and weaknesses, and inform targeted interventions to support academic success.

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Educational Assessments

Uncover a child’s learning potential and discover areas that require support with our Educational Assessments, such as the WIAT-III. These assessments evaluate academic achievement in reading, writing, and mathematics, enabling educators and parents to develop effective learning strategies tailored to individual needs.

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Behavior & Attention Assessments

Understand and address a child’s behavioral and attention-related challenges with our specialized assessments, including the CONNERS, ABAS, and Vineland. By identifying areas of concern, we can help develop customized intervention plans that promote positive behavior, enhance social skills, and improve overall functioning.

Check the Assessments Available

Cognitive Assessments

Developmental History (1 hour)
Assessment component (2 hours)
IQ test- WISC-V
Adaptive functioning- ABAS-3 (30 mins, parent/carer completed)
Assessment scoring, interpretation and report (2 hours)
Compulsory feedback session via phone or in office (30 mins)

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Educational Assesments

Developmental history (1 hour)
Assessment component (3 hours)
IQ test- WISC-V or SB-V
Achievement test- WIAT-III
Adaptive functioning- ABAS-3 (30 mins, parent/carer completed)
Assessment scoring, interpretation and report (3 hours)
Compulsory feedback session

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Behavior & Attention Assessments

Developmental history (1 hour)
ABAS-3/ Vineland
Observation sessions (1 hour)
Report, feedback session and intervention planning (3 hours)

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O T H E R  A S S E S S M E N T S

If you have an assessment you need completed, please give us a call to discuss your needs.
For example:
Adaptive assessments alone
Social and Emotional functioning
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Why Choose Affective Solutions?

At Affective Solutions, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive psychological assessments and interventions for children.

Our team of experienced professionals specialises in child psychology, offering tailored services designed to empower schools and parents with the tools and insights they need to support each child’s unique journey. With our expertise, personalised approach, diverse assessment offerings, and strong commitment to collaboration, we help unlock every child’s potential and foster their growth, both academically and personally.


Our team of trained professionals specialises in child psychology, ensuring that our assessments and interventions are both accurate and effective.

We stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices to provide the highest quality of service.

Personalised Approach

We understand that every child is unique. That’s why we take the time to establish rapport and gather a comprehensive developmental history before administering assessments. This personalised approach helps create a comfortable environment for the child and ensures that our evaluations accurately reflect their abilities and needs.

Wide Range of Assessments:

Affective Solutions offers a diverse selection of assessments, including cognitive, educational, behavior, attention, and functional/adaptive evaluations. This allows us to address various aspects of a child’s development and provide a holistic understanding of their strengths and areas for growth.

Collaboration with Schools and Parents

We work closely with schools and parents, providing them with valuable insights and actionable recommendations to support each child’s development. Our detailed reports and compulsory feedback sessions enable informed decision-making and the creation of effective intervention plans.

Contact Us

We’re here to help you navigate the world of child psychology assessments and interventions. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is available to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and guide you through our range of services. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us through the contact information provided below.

Let’s work together to support the children in your care and make a lasting impact on their development.